Project partners
Střední odborná škola ochrany osob a majetku
The school has branches in two other towns and offers its students many after-school activities connected with the branch of their study. There are about 317 students and about 48 teachers in three branches. The headquarters is in the small town of Karviná in the North-East of the Czech Republic. It is an area with a long mining and industrial history. Students start studying at the age of 15 and it lasts 4 years. There are 20-25 students in a class and the number of girls and boys is roughly the same.
We offer security and legal subjects. In the framework of our educational program, the school offers students important subjects such as law, criminology, special physical training, economics, or languages.
After the graduate gets complete secondary education, they can decide to start their career in the sphere of the security forces of our state, such as, the army, the police, or the prison. Our graduates can also decide to continue their education at universities.
Our motivation is to help the students and teachers develop their communication, language, IT, social and creative skills which will be used in their future life, both personal and professional. The project will also support and develop organisational skills of the key persons as well as other teachers and students. We would like to develop the communication, language, IT, social and creative skills of the students and teachers.
We suppose that the project work will lead to students’ better school attendance and involvement in the project cooperative work. As our school is situated in a disadvantageous region, the unemployment of young people remains at approximately 19 %, participation in European projects should help our students perceive education as an important element in labour market.
Lycee Maurice Genevoix
Our school is located in Montrouge with its about 950 students, aged 15-18 years old, and 75 teachers. But the number of students is still rising and we expect to have about 1000 students next year. Students are from diverse cultural and social backgrounds, which is enriching for the whole school community. However, many of the students struggle to reach the national level and they manage to graduate despite the fact that when they come to school, they are way from having reached the expected level to enter the secondary education. They come from poor backgrounds located in the nearest suburbs of Paris. The lack of motivation and difficulties in learning are the primary issues. Families can’t offer help as many of them come from an immigration background. So, French, which explains the issues at school in all subjects, may not be spoken at home.
Since the reputation of our school is not very positive, families choose to send their children to better neighbouring schools. We have overcrowded classes (35 students per class) and we do not have any other classes than academic lessons offered: no music classes, no art lessons. Thus, what we offer is limited to the derogatory subjects in the national curriculum. Even when we want to take the students to see a movie or a play, some students are left out or refuse to go as they can’t pay. This may also result that many students may feel lost and anxious about their futures. So, this frustration can be expressed through behavioural problems or school truancy.
Our motivation to join the project is to give the students to have a sense of global citizenship via the topics they discuss. Linguistic objective is in the background but what matters more is the cultural content and the friendships they build. We need to offer a safe and a quality education to every student and reach every student not just through the problems he presents but through their potential. Moreover, we need to offer a chance to our good students to have a real progress by offering them more challenging curriculum.
At least 7 teachers will take part in this project to involve more subjects of study and have a look at the topic from multiperspectives. One of the main problems of our school is the integration of students with special needs in our classes. Therefore, we have to continuously produce new methods since there is no training offered for the teachers or any assistance to help them progress. So, we believe that our experienced teachers on students with misbehaviours, drop out, violence and bullying, will share their real life experiences and good examples to contribute to the project to find solutions.
Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore 'Margherita Hack'
The “Margherita Hack” secondary high school was established in 2015. It is the only cultural and educational reference point in an area of 20 municipalities, between the Tiber Valley and the Treja Valley in the beautiful Roman countryside. There are 813 students and 97 teaching staff. Our school is equipped with wi-fi, smartboards, gyms, libraries, laboratories, drawing, construction, and photography classrooms. The school includes 5 study courses (Liceo scientifico, Liceo Linguistico, Istituto Tecnico Amministrazione Finanza e Marketing and Costruzione Ambiente e Territorio, Istituto Professionale Servizi Commerciali).
Our school is in close contact with the secondary junior schools of the area, with which it has created a network to implement projects aimed at inclusion and integration to reduce school dropouts. It is also in contact with local authorities and priváte enterprises to activate work-based learning for students. The territory, today, has lost much of its rural tradition and has not benefited from important cultural stimuli, necessary to the young generations to achieve their best. Therefore, the school represents the only institution which can help them create and carry out a project for a better future. Our school, the only secondary high school in 31st district, feels it has the responsibility for giving an answer to this need, which the students themselves feel and which they show the same way as the people their age – restlessness and intolerance which more and more often turn into marginalisation and sometimes bullying.
We want our students to achieve their best and succeed in the 21st century. We want our staff to work with the rest of Europe and improve their competences and we want to:
- strengthen knowledge and awareness about the idea of European citizenship, seen as belonging to a common culture, values and a history.
- reduce socio-cultural inequalities -promote integration and inclusion
- motivate the students
- improve school performance
- develop an open-minded attitude towards other cultures
- improve the ability of working in teams, which will foster the sharing of experience and the promotion of best practices
- improve competence in the use of the English language.
We have a quite relevant experience in dealing with pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. We have some experience with “traditions and food” thanks to an etwinning project which involved one of our classes and the teachers. Students have been involved in drama classes as extra-curricular activities for some years. We have experience in history and arts due to our curricular subjects and also to an etwinning project (Greece/Italy) on graeco-roman civilization.
“Let’s see the past in our present”.
Kaunas Vocational School of Household Services and Business
Our School was founded in 2000 and is located in Kaunas. It has over 850 students, 64 teachers and 50 staff. The school is a training institution which operates to provide vocational and secondary education. Duration of studies varies between 2 to 3 years. The school system is based on two levels, depending on whether the students enter our school after obtaining basic or secondary education. List of programs include: trade consultants of industrial enterprises, instance consultants, providers of small business services, tailors, cutter-designers, nursemaids, visual advertisement producers, hotel workers, sport club managers and travel agents.
Our school has three departments: gymnasium, household services and business. Each student has choice of a study program according to their educational background and personal priorities. We appreciate to become part and develop innovative, open-minded projects, which prepare our students, while active individuals/citizens in community. This preparation passes for if involving in rich, multicultural activities and that they allow them to make learning to act in their communities spreading to know.
We are trying to make the formal education more interesting, using non-formal education methods. There is a lack in communication between teachers and students, it's difficult to understand each other. So, with this project, we want to learn and develop of emotional intelligence, a method that is effective and could provide many advantages to both sides. We also want to raise awareness among students on learning opportunities, to encourage them to become active citizens, to be highly motivated on ESL, violence and bullying at schools. Main reason to join this project is ongoing project (“Early Warning. Early Solution”) in the field of ESL. In 2016-17, school already prepared some research data, organized surveys to identify reasons why youngsters leave school. This project would be perfect example of follow up in the same topic and bring added value, experience and expertise knowledge to the new project.
Centro San Viator
Centro San Viator was founded in 1953 in a rural area where job opportunities usually pass through agricultural and livestock. Located in a mountainous area, terrestrial communication presents difficulties that accentuate the lack of opportunities for the residents. We offer training from Kinder Garden to High Degree to meet the needs of more than 1000 students working with 90 teachers. Our VET offer includes: Retail, Car Mechanics, Mechanization, Electronics-Electricity, Child Education and Geriatrics in order to respond to the high percentage of unemployment in this region.
Our students come, mainly, from two different areas: Encartaciones (rural) and Bilbao Metropolitan (industrial). Both the parts suffer hard from high unemployment, which has become a big issue.
We are a school with a priority objective: helping young people with fewer opportunities and at risk of exclusion. As we are an inclusive school and there are around 50 students with different mental disabilities, currently, we are developing new methodologies for them to improve their training. Moreover, our school receives about 150 students a year who dropped out from other schools and at risk of ESL. We have already taken part in two projects on ESL which have helped us to reduce the ESL at our school and given us the necessary experience to lead this KA2.
In 2001, we started working on our quality system and created a specific team as we realized we needed to create new working standards. After developing all processes, in 2004 we got the ISO 9001:2000; in 2005, the Silver Q in the EFQM system; in 2010 the ISO 14001 for environmental management and now we focus in the Gold Q. All these certify that all tasks done by Centro San Viator meet the quality standards required by different public bodies like the Educational Ministry, SEPIE (Spanish NA) or the EU. We have been developing different kind of European projects for the last 14 years, so we already have a broad experience in working with European partners.
As we are very open to new approaches, our school’s motivation to join this project is to learn and share new methods, activities and curriculums from other partners who have the same problems. So, we believe that our experienced staff will share their all skills to the project.
Özel Güney Fen Bilimleri Anadolu Lisesi
The school was founded in 2017 and is fully equipped with chemistry laboratories, art rooms, a music room, a sports hall, a conference hall and a big garden. There are 52 experienced teachers for 381 students aged 14-18.
Since the school is situated in a growing suburb of Antalya, most of its students come from the disadvantaged areas many of whose inhabitants work in their own businesses, have their own traditions which they preserve tight in any conditions. We educate our students to be respectful, accepting different life patterns and mutualizing. Through activities in various areas of social life, we aim to show the students that if they are already on the stage of school education and if they invest time and skills at school, they will be able to reap the huge benefits of their life in the future not only by gaining experience but also by learning how to survive.
Our enthusiastic staff teaches social and educational issues, organize and manage local and national programs. They use their knowledge of formal and non-formal education in their work and share their skills and methods with other colleagues. So, they are ready to share their pedagogical skills, language, ICT, social, cultural and other competences when organizing and running workshops and activities within the project.
We motivate our pupils to take part in all the opportunities that education can offer. Moreover, via the project work we intend to:
-promote intercultural education, integration and inclusion
-improve the use of ICT and competences using English language
-learn to listen actively, respect constructive criticism and find common solutions
-build responsibility and self-confidence
-be able to cope with new situations and conflicts
-work jointly against discrimination